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Interested in joining the lab?


Thank you for your interest in our research in plankton ecology and the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology. We are always looking for plankton enthusiasts to join us.  Members of the lab are motivated, curious, enthusiastic, collaborative and persistent.  We work hard and have a lot of fun.  We have incredible opportunities that few people have to follow our inherent curiosity and work in interesting marine environments around the world.  If you are interested in working with us, please look over our publications carefully to better understand our research. Then get in touch (ksuth_at_uoregon_dot_edu) with your resume or CV, an unofficial transcript, prior research experience and a brief statement describing your goals.


Postdocs: Please get in touch to discuss project ideas and possible funding avenues.


Graduate students:  I accept both MSc and PhD students who work on a variety of studies relating to zooplankton ecology (especially gelatinous zooplankton) and animal-fluid interactions.  Students frequently use a combination of lab and field studies to address their research questions.  Typically, interested students should apply through the UO Biology Department.  I also welcome collaborations with Environmental Studies graduate students.


Funding for graduate students comes from a combination research grants, graduate teaching fellowships and graduate student fellowships.  I strongly encourage you to seek out your own funding early and often. Check out the UO Graduate School or Pathways to Science for potential fellowships.


Undergraduate students:  Motivated undergraduates are welcome to join the lab. An interest in the work we do in the lab, a sense of curiosity, an open mind and the willingness to work hard are the only prerequisites to work in the lab.  Undergraduates work in the lab (in Eugene or potentially at OIMB) during the academic year with Dr. Sutherland and graduate students.  Students that have gained experience working in the lab for several terms  are often invited to participate in field work during the summer.  If you would like to be considered, please contact Dr. Sutherland with your resume or CV, unofficial transcript, prior research experience (if any) and a brief statement describing your goals for an internship.  We also post opportunities on the CURE webpage.

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National Science Foundation

Office of Naval Research




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