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Obelia flow visualization
Predator-prey interactions

Understanding small-scale physics of food capture can help us generate hypotheses about the nature of possible prey types and the ecological roles of some of the less-understood players in marine food-webs.

Chrysaora fuscescens (Pacific sea nettles)
Gelatinous zooplankton ecology

Considering the elevation of jellyfish populations in some environments and their disproportionate trophic impact in perturbed ecosystems, an understanding of their distribution and predatory impact is critical to predicting current and future food-web interactions.

Siphonophore Nanomia bijuga turning
Biological propulsion with multiple jets

Do colonial organisms benefit from enhanced swimming performance compared to their solitary counterparts?

Salp mesh
Microbial prey & symbioses

Interactions between mucous-net feeders and small particles are a critical, yet frequently overlooked, aspect of the microbial loop and carbon cycling in the upper ocean.

© 2024 by Sutherland Lab. Created with


National Science Foundation

Office of Naval Research




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